N3 Gwayt Chaung

Die Schule liegt im Thandwe Township im Rakhaing Staat. Das Township hat ungefähr 133.000 Einwohner. Thandwe ist die wichtigste Hafenstadt in der Region. In dem Gebiet wird hauptsächlich Reis angebaut. Zu Region gehört auch Ngapali Beach, eines der wichtigsten Touristenzentren Myanmars.
Stiftunglife - N3

Montag, 19. Juni 2023

Update of Jamaste Schule - Juni 2023

I just visited to your school yesterday. The school already open for 2023/2024 academic year. School condition is still great and all the students are studying. Yesterday I installed the solar panels for the ceiling Fan and already tested. Solar system running properly. So no worry for when the electricity out of service time . Also I arrange the planting for the Mango trees close with school building, they planted 11 Mango trees where the place is suitable in school compound.Principal say really thank you for the support to their school. /Naing

Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2022

New Update of Jamaste School

I was there and met with students and teacher. I explained them we can not do the opening ceremony for the moment. They understood and they also feel sorry for situations. They told very Best Regards to the donor and very thankful for the building. Now they can teach until Grade 9 students. So they must have 10 class rooms. Your building is 5 class rooms and they still have government building with 3 class rooms. So they teaching the primary state in old building and they using your building for middle class. Imagine if not our building they will have difficulties for the space. Also they have small problem, it is we donated ceiling fans last year. They have electricity but you know our country electric problem. Most of the time out of service, especially after rainy season more issues. So students are feeling hot. Without electricity can not use the fan. Other thing are all ok . Mango trees also they try since last year but not success because of their ground is very hard to plant. Full with stone in the ground. The building area was very low level and they filled with the stone for became height level. /Naing

Montag, 22. August 2022

Update of Jamaste School

Last day I got the new information of Jamaste school, it is very good news. The school became a Pre Middle School. Until last month the school was only Primary level and now officially Pre Middle School. Now they have already Grade 7 and 8 students, after this month 15 person of Grade 9 also will join the school from the village. Former time these students are going to another village little far from their home. Now they don’t need to go far away. The principal phoned me that they are very exciting for their school opening ceremony. /Naing

Dienstag, 14. Juni 2022

School Visit June 2022

This morning I been to Jamaste School. Everything is fine and school condition also in good shape. All the students are attending and teachers also. They are very happy with Ceiling Fan. Next 2 days they will plant the Mango trees in front of the school. They asking me opening ceremony. I explained them it is depend on the country situation. In Thandwe is very quiet and peaceful. /Naing

Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2022

Voller Schulbetrieb

Knapp eine Autostunde vom Ngapali Beach entfernt haben wir vor zwei Jahren diese Schule mit fünf Klassenzimmern gebaut. Aktuell werden davon drei Klassenzimmer genutzt von 66 Schüler:innen. Im kommenden Schuljahr wird eine weitere Klasse aufgemacht. Auch das alte Gebäude wird genutzt, dort gibt Unterricht in zwei Klassenzimmern mit 46 Schüler:innen. Insgesamt ein kompletter Schulbetrieb mit 112 Schüler:innen und sechs Lehrerinnen. Das Gehalt für die Lehrkräfte ist über die letzten Jahre gleich geblieben: 200.000 Kyat bekommt die Schulleiterin im Monat, die fünf Lehrerinnen bekommen etwas weniger. Durch die starke Inflation ist allerdings die Kaufkraft um 30 Prozent gesunken, der Wechselkurs liegt aktuell über 2.000 Kyat für einen Euro. /jg

Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2021

School Report December 2021

Luckily school is reopening and all of students are attending in your school. Now they are very convenient with your school building, they don’t need to worry for space and can take the learning properly in the nice rooms. They are really happy for your support. I just check for you with Principal and she sent me some photos as well. 100 % kids are coming to the school and all the teachers are teaching them peacefully. They are hoping us to come to them for opening ceremony. Last year we missed because of COVID and now we are facing with political issues. That also not will be long anymore. They believe one day they can cut the ribbon with you for opening ceremony of your new school building. Also I reminded to the Principal for the plant Mango tree in front of school. They will do soon. Last year nobody are in the school compound because of virus and now some one can be look after the baby mango trees to become a tall and survive. /Naing

Montag, 17. Mai 2021

Visit of Jamaste School

Last week I been to Ngapali Beach and then I went to Jamaste School. School conditions are fine, Principal and villagers are all safe. The teacher are not CDM, because they have their own difficulties. So they are waiting for enrollment of students on 25.05.2021. We have to watch all the students are come or not. Also I request to her to plant the Mango tree in front of the school building. She said they will do around middle of June when the ground is wet. /Naing

Mittwoch, 9. September 2020

Die Schule ist fertig

Die Jamaste Schule ist fertiggestellt und wartet auf das Ende der Schulferien und die Schüler und Schülerinnen.

Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2020

Jamaste - Ein kreativer Name für unsere neue Schule

Manche Namensfindungen öffnen kreative Wortschöpfungen. So war es hier, beim Bau einer Schule, die von Jacqueline gespendet wurde. Sie wollte ihre beiden Töchter mit einbeziehen und das ist gelungen. Die Jamaste Schule ist unser zweites Schulprojekt in der Ngapali Region. Zukünftig lässt sich ein Urlaub am Strand mit dem Besuch dieser Schule verbinden. Ein wunderbare Kombination 😊 /jg