D20 Kha Lauk

Die Schule liegt in Twin Yae Kyaw im Twante Township in der Nähe des Dorfes Kha Lauk. Htawkoo Kyaung auf der anderen Seite des Flusses ist Anlegeplatz der Swimming Doctors 3.
Stiftunglife - D20

Mittwoch, 20. September 2023

News from the Busch Kindergarden

I visited the school for 2023 - 2024 academic year. Everything is good, school condition and your ceiling fan also still good. They still using and every one is healthy. Every student attending to the school and all the teachers are also attending. When I been to the school they’re in break time. So I saw the traditional food shop in the school. They not allow to sell the instant snack and food. All are home made food, so food are fresh. Also they are playing Ring when they are break time. They can play very well. School is perfect with kids activities and food shop. /Naing

Freitag, 27. Januar 2023

Update of Busch Kindergarten

Today I visited the school, everything is fine of school building and situation in village as well. All the kids are attending and preparing for their examinations in next month. They really appreciate of your support, last 6 months ago I gave the ceiling fans and they are using. After installed the fan kids are not complain. Before that in day time they feel hot. /Naing

Montag, 8. August 2022

School report August 2022

Today I visited the school, school conditions is in good shape. I saw the kids are learning properly in the class room. Good news is they got electricity in their village and school building as well. Also the students amount are getting raised, last year was about 90 and now they have 120. Actually they need one more class room. But I explained them the situation and they said they will try to manage for that. They have one wish, it is in day time students feeling hot. They have electricity already so they would need just fan and wire. /Naing

Donnerstag, 18. November 2021

School visit in November 2021

Last week I visited the Busch school and spoke with teacher, school is open and totally 38 students are attending. Even bad time we have 2 good news, one is some students are studying in your new building class room and two is they got electricity in village, it is good news for the moment. They are happy for we are still look after to them. Their income is not so good like last couple of year, but still survive because they have not much to spend. Main expense is meal, for that also they can plant the paddy rice and for the curry they have water so they can get the fish and own vegetables. /Naing

Freitag, 19. Februar 2021

Und weiter geht's

Freitag, 5. Februar 2021

Die ersten Arbeiten

Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2021

Die Webkamera wird installiert und die ersten Absteckarbeiten beginnen

In dem kleinen Dorf im Delta von Myanmar wird eine Kamera montiert. Weil es in dem Dorf keinen Strom gibt, ist die Kamera autark mit Simcard und Solarpaneele ausgestattet. Annette und Reinhard leben in München, 10.000 km entfernt von dem kleinen Dorf im Delta. Wenn sie „Ihre Kamera" anwählen, können sie den Bau der Busch Pre School live auf ihrem Handy verfolgen. So verbinden wir zwei Welten. Vielen Dank an Ko Naing, der die technische Einrichtung organisiert hat. Mit dem Bau wächst die Vorfreude Tag für Tag. Heute werden die Fundamente ausgehoben. In der zweiten Jahreshälfte wollen wir das neue Schulgebäude einweihen - dann (hoffentlich in echt) mit glücklichen Kindern, Lehrern und Eltern. Für die, die nicht dabei sein können, übertragen wir die Feier im Livestream. Nach der Feier wird die Kamera abgebaut und an unserem nächsten Schulbauprojekt im Delta installiert. /jg

Samstag, 9. Januar 2021

Ground Breaking für den Busch Kindergarten

Heute wurden die Verträge für den Busch Kindergarten in Twante unterschrieben und die Ground Breaking Zeremonie durchgeführt. Die eigentlichen Bauarbeiten beginnen am 20. Januar. Die Bauzeit wird auf ca. 2 Monate geschätzt. /Naing, ab