D17 Thar Yar Wel

Die Schule liegt im Kyite Lat Township im Irrawaddy Delta, genau zwischen den beiden Städten Kyite Lat und Maubin. Das Dorf liegt unweit der Hauptstraße nach Pyapon Town und wird für die medizinische Versorgung monatlich von der Swimming Doctors III angefahren. Die Einwohnerzahl des Kyite Lat Township beträgt etwa 193.000.
Stiftunglife - D17

Mittwoch, 20. September 2023

Update Leopold School

After the money transfer from Markus I handover the cash to the principal. He arranged to fill the sand to the wet area. You can see before and after how different. They really appreciate your quick response and support. /Naing

Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2023

School Update Leopold School June 2023

I visited the school for 2023. The school already back to normal and all the students are coming for study. Total student amount is increasing because of Kindergarten to Grade 12 can allow to attend. In this year 420 students, last year was 370. I talk with the principal and he tell me about the current situation . They hire 2 teachers for Science major. Because Government can give Teacher only Art Major. So students want to study the Science. Finally parents are participated for hire the teachers. After Military Coup a lot of teacher are CDM @ Civil Disobedience Movement. So we need a lot of Teachers. Anyhow principal is smart and active, so the kids can learn the both subjects. In the photo you will see the water flooding on the ground front and back of school. It is not good for Health , Mosquitoes can be live in the water. That’s why they trying to fill the sand on that area. Cost will be 300 euro for that. They still collecting the money. They have already 100 Euro. /Naing

Samstag, 21. Januar 2023

New Update on Leopold School

Last day I visited again your school for inspection. Everything is perfect in your school, building conditions also very good. They maintain very well, I saw the kid broom in the class room. Principal also very active and smart. When I been there they are quite busy for Students Union Day party. Now the students amount getting height, before was 330 and now 371 students. Grade is Kindergarten to Grade 11 are studying. Mid of Next month students have final examinations and they start prepare for it. /Naing

Dienstag, 21. Juni 2022

School Visit June 2022

I visited the school last week, firstly I saw how clean around and inside your school building. I really said many thanks to school Principal. He is very focus on his Job. Peoples around the village know him and they send their kids to your school. That’s why students amount are getting increase. Last year students amount was 330 and now they have 360 students are attending. We are very lucky, because at the school has a perfect Principle. They using the classrooms for Primary students. Everything is going well and they are waiting for the opening ceremony. /Naing

Mittwoch, 1. Dezember 2021

School Visit in November 2021

Time is very fast one year after one year. Peoples from the school are waiting for opening ceremony. They really appreciate even we are not do yet opening ceremony they can use the building. If they can not use our building they will be difficult for the space for students. Now they got 2 classrooms building from Government but they still using our building. Because they must have the 9 classrooms. Kindergarten to Grade 8 are studying. Normally they have 330 students and at the moment they have 280 students. Some parents are CDM to Military. So they don’t send the kids to the school. Generally all is good in the village. School is look perfect with some trees from us. /Naing

Dienstag, 17. November 2020

School Report - Fall 2020

Principal phone me and ask last day, why we are not come for inspection? I explained to him because of virus situation. I told him I will come everything is stable. Our Leopold school is very close with car main road. So they have to little more careful for Virus 🦠. But they are still ok. Our school also very fine and not even use it. Principal also very good leader and he is the main organize for maintaining. Also our ship Swimming Doctors 3 still go there every month for medication. Not need to worry about their health. /Naing

Montag, 27. Juli 2020

1.000 Trees for Thar Yar Wel Village

I planted 1.000 trees in Thar Yar Wel Village. The village located in Kyite Lat Township. Trees are Mango, Start Flower, Apple Custard and Mangium. This village has our Leopold School and other side also our swimming doctors going for medical treatment regularly. /Naing

Montag, 25. Mai 2020

Es geht voran

Im Delta wird gebaut
Den schnellen Baufortschritt können wir in den Fotos sehen, die uns Ko Naing regelmäßig schickt. Vor einer Woche wurde das Stahlgerüst aufgebaut, jetzt ist das Dach schon fertig und die Maurer arbeiten fleißig. In Myanmar ist es wie in Deutschland, das Leben normalisiert sich wieder - anders als vorher, in kleinen Schritten geht es wieder los. Wenn alles gut klappt, ist die neue Schule fertig, wenn die großen Ferien Anfang Juli (coronabedingt einen Monat später) zu Ende sind. Wir werden berichten. jg

Leopold School

Der Junge wird sich freuen!
Leopold ist noch nicht lange auf dieser Welt. Es werden also noch ein paar Jahre vergehen, bis er auf eigenen Beinen steht. Seine Eltern und Verwandten haben sich so sehr gefreut, als er im letzten Jahr auf die Welt kam, dass sie einen Schulbau in Myanmar gespendet haben. Durch Corona hatte sich alles ein wenig verzögert, aber nun wird wieder gebaut. Kinder, Schüler und Eltern freuen sich. Wenn das neue Schuljahr im Juli beginnt, dürfte das neue Gebäude im Delta fertig sein. jg