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D16 Phoe Lu Wa
Die Schule liegt im Kyite Lat Township, Pyapone Distrikt im Irrawaddy Delta, nicht weit entfernt von Pyapone und Bogolay. Kyite Lat Township hat etwa 193.000 Einwohner.
Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2023
Frank and Annette School Update, June 2023
Last week I visited the school. Everything is ok, total students is 196 and 8 teachers. One teacher transfer to another school. Also they got new building from Government and already using. School is getting perfect. In our building they teaching for the young students and new building they using for elder students and office for teachers. Kids are running and playing in the school compound without stress. They look peaceful even political situation is not really good, but they have to learn for their education. Time is not wait for the human. That is what principal talk to the parents. So every parent understood and send the kid to the school. /Naing
Dienstag, 24. Januar 2023
Update of Frank and Annette School
I visited again to the school. Everything is perfect. Roof, wall, gutter and toilets are in good condition, except the opening ceremony. Anyhow all the kids are attending and teachers as well. In next month the have final examinations and school will close 3 months for long summer holiday. Also their new building which they got via Government also done. In coming new academic year they can use the new building. So all will be perfect. /Naing
Dienstag, 21. Juni 2022
School Visit in June 2022
Luckily I can visit the school in last week, they just start re open in 2 June 2022. School is in good shape and kids are also attending. In this year students amount is 195, actually they have 216. But some teenagers are going to work and they don’t want to study after 2 years. It is pity. Also they will get the 3 classrooms building from Government in this year. So the kids can study nicely in proper room. Because nowadays Education teaching system are changing so they need more space. They have Kindergarten to Grade 8. So they need 9 classrooms. Now they have our 5 classrooms building and 2 class room building only. So after finish the new building from Government will be 10 classrooms. So that time will be perfect. In Delta region I can say 100 % attending the school, but in Yangon 75 % only. Some parents afraid of Military pressure and sending the kids to school, some parents are afraid of security reason and not send the kids to school. Some parents are on CDM ( Civil Disobedience Movement). I don’t want to judge for everyone. I wish all are back to normal. But it is not possible in nowadays. Any how the school is perfect with Students and teachers. I can hear the kids voices of learning time. /Naing
Montag, 29. November 2021
School Visit November 2021
Finally in the bad time of the year I reached to your school. The school is opening and they start using your new school building with 85 % of students. Condition is good. They are very happy for their children, because they can learn properly in the class room. Before they had old garage and learned in this building. Within one year the situation is changed and they got chance to get new building. They ask me to say many times to the donor. They asking me the opening ceremony again. I told them that everything is depend on the country situation. Now they can control the virus in the village and in third wave some people pass away. Income is not good, but they have own farms and not so expensive like city. They planted our present trees in the school compound as well. Most of trees are no need to worry for grow up, seem roots are getting strong. /Naing
Dienstag, 10. August 2021
Tree Planting close to Frank & Annette School
We planted 1.000 trees in Ka Nyin Cone Village for August 2021. That village is close with SD route and D16. Located in Kyite Lat Township. Trees are Mango (300), Sal tree (200), Mahogany (250) and Star Flower (250). They have middle school with 300 students and they will plant the trees in school compound. About 200 households in this village and some trees they will share with villagers who love the trees. They love our projects and I plan to give PAUL water filter for their school when the school is opening. /Naing
Freitag, 8. Januar 2021
Tree Planting at Frank & Annette School
We planted 1,000 trees in Phoe Lu Wa Village, Kyite Lat Township. The village is not very far with our SD - 3 Route. And also we have our school building with 5 class room, name is Frank & Annette school (D16). We just build last year and they haven’t used the building because of COVID and school was closed. They have about 216 students and 11 teachers. In this school they teach KG to Grade 8. Trees are Mango (200), Star flower (200), Custard fruit (200), Mahogany (200) and Pterocarpus Santalinus L., (200). In this village the population is 400 households and around 2,000 people. They are very happy with the trees and they said they will try to manage to plant in school compound and some trees they will give to students, so the people also can plant at their private place. When we do opening ceremony for school can see some big trees already. /Naing
Dienstag, 10. November 2020
School Report - Fall 2020
Until now we can not know when Virus will be disappear and I can not go to the school. Because they are really want to do their school opening ceremony and exciting. The school is new and everything is fine. Villager are good health and not bad their harvest. I told them please be patient and one day we can do opening ceremony. /Naing
Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2020
Die Frank und Annette Schule wird gebaut
Ein Urlaub mit Folgen: Auf ihrer Reise durch Myanmar kamen Annette und Frank 2019 mit Freunden der Stiftung in Kontakt. Die Idee, eine Schule zu bauen, gefiel ihnen so gut, dass sie sich mit uns in Verbindung gesetzt haben. Im Sommer 2020 wird im Delta von Myanmar eine Schule mit fünf Klassenräumen gebaut - und für den Herbst die nächste Reise nach Myanmar geplant. Wir werden berichten. /jg
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