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D15 Tha Mat Pyay
Die Schule liegt im Kyite Lat Township, Pyapone Distrikt im Irrawaddy Delta. Das Dorf ist wie eine kleine Insel und nur mit dem Schiff zu erreichen. Die Bevölkerungszahl des Kyite Lat Township liegt bei ca. 193.000.
Mittwoch, 20. September 2023
School visit ALR School
I visited the school for 2023 - 2024 academic year. Everything is fine, school condition and toilets are good. Students amount also getting increased. At the moment student amount are 205 and KG to Grade 8 are learning. Trees also getting tall and in future school will be full with shade. Only one thing they did by themselves, it is between first roof and second roof has a gap. From that area when too much rain water blowing to the room. So they covered with plastic sheet, now they have no issue for that. /Naing
Dienstag, 24. Januar 2023
School Update ALR School
I been last week to the school for second time inspection of 2022. Everything is fine. Students, teachers are very well and school condition also in good shape. Nothing change too much. KG to Grade 8 are learning at your school. They trying to get the new building from Government. Because new education system need more classrooms. Villagers income also not so bad. Paddy price is getting high and semen price and other accessories stuff are also expensive. Anyhow generally all ok and in next month they have examinations, after that school will close 3 months for long Summer Holidays. /Naing
Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2022
School Report July 2022
Today I visited the school, everything is fine. School conditions also very fine. They talked about school opening ceremony and ask about the donor. They send many best regards. All the students are attending and they got more students. Last year only 140 and in this year they have 200 students. Also they have some issue, it is space for student. Government changing the education system and they need more room. Now they have the students Kg to Grade 8 but they have only 7 rooms. Actually they need 9 class room. Finally they try to arrange themselves for the space. /Naing
Dienstag, 30. November 2021
School Visit in November 2021
I visited the school last week and school is in good shape, peoples also in good health. They running with 100 % students and full teachers. They plant our trees and 70 % are success. In the school compound they planted about 100 trees and most are already tall. PAUL water filter also they using properly. Their farming is not bad and price also not very low. They village is little far with town and like island, that’s why they are peaceful. Not need to worry for political issues. Also I suggest them to plant the tree in front of school, around 3 meters away of school building, so future they can get shade from the tree. Because their school facing to the west side. /Naing
Samstag, 10. Juli 2021
More Trees for this Area
We planted 1.000 trees in A Lann Oat Village for July 2021. Type of tree are Mango (300), Mahogany (300), Gantgaw (200) Sal trees (200). This village is close to D15 school. There have the Post Middle school with 350 students. Village is not small, about 230 households are staying in this village. They are very friendly and happy with these trees. That day was Memorial Day because of raining day. I shared our foundations projects and they want to keep in touch with us for their future project. /Naing
Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2021
Another Tree Planting near ALR School
We planted 1.000 trees in Sit Cone Village for June 2021. This village also close with D15. Trees are Mango (300), Gantgaw (200), Star Flower (200), Mahogany (100), Custard (100) Fruit and Sal Tree (100). Actually we planted many trees around their village in last year. That’s why they also want to have the chance to plant the trees. In this village has Middle school with 160 students and we can plan for future project. /Naing
Montag, 10. Mai 2021
Tree Planting near ALR School
We planted 1.000 trees in Nga Thyin Chaung Village for May 2021. Located in Kyite Lat Township and close with D15. Trees are Mango (300), Star Flower (200), Mahogany (200), Gantgaw (150) and Sal tree (150 ). They have primary school and about 70 households and about 320 people staying in this village. They are very friendly and love the trees. Even that day people are start exciting for their future with the trees. They have a school and they planned to plant the tree on the school and main road of village. /Naing
Mittwoch, 7. April 2021
Tree Planting for Ulrich
We planted 1,000 trees in Pa Bae Su Village for Mr. Ulrich. Trees were Mango, Star flower, Mahogany and Mangium trees. This village not very close with our school but we have contact with D15 school. Also when we go to Kyite Lat for other school time can go there. Small car can drive into the school, not very far from main road. They have high school and they love the trees. /Naing
Tree Planting for Gesche
We planted 1.000 trees for Gesche in Tha Mat Pyay Wa Village near D 15. Trees were Mango, Star flower, Mahogany and Mangium trees. In this village also has the primary school. The principal is very active for planting. I met him when I go to D 15 and he requested me for trees planting in his village. So whenever I go to D15 I can reach there. Mostly they planted in Monastery and village house as well. /Naing
Dienstag, 17. November 2020
School report - Fall 2020
Nowadays getting height COVID case is KyiteLat township, our ALR school is in Kyite Lat Township, but the villagers are still safe. School is everything fine too. I remind them to use and check regularly for our Paul Water Filter. Our trees which are we planted in School opening time are getting strong. Only they are watching the in - out peoples at the gate. In their village had entrance gate. So they can check properly for strangers and who they come back from other place. /Naing
Mittwoch, 12. August 2020
Montag, 27. Juli 2020
Tree Planting for Christof
We planted 1.000 trees for Christof in Ywar Thit village. Trees were Mango, Mahogany, Star flower and Mangium trees. This village is close with D15 and they have also middle school. They will plant in school and village. Their lane in village looks nice with tree which they plant former time. So can imagine they love the trees. Also I can reach there when I go to D15 for monitoring. Our swimming doctors ship also go near their village too. /Naing
Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2020
Sonntag, 19. Januar 2020
Schuleröffnung an der ALR Skool im Data. Alles ist wunderbar vorbereitet. Die Gäste aus Deutschland werden von den Dorfbewohnern fröhlich empfangen. Nach dem Durchschneiden des Bandes werden Bäume gepflanzt - dann folgt eine bunte Feier mit vielen Ansprachen, traditionellen Tänzen, lauter Musik und viel gutem Essen. Helke und Thomas freuen sich über Ihre Schule und wir versichern, dass wir regelmäßig vor Ort nach dem rechten schauen werden. /jg
Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2019
Eigenbeitrag erfüllt
Gestern haben wir von Naing den Bericht erhalten, dass die Dorfbewohner die Restzahlung des Eigenbeitrages zum Schulbau geleistet haben. Gleichzeitig hat er für die Schüler den PAUL mitgebracht. Ab jetzt können die Kinder sauberes Trinkwasser trinken und hoffen wir, dass die Durchfallerkrankungen hauptsächlich in der Regenzeit weniger auftreten werden und es den Kindern besser gehen wird.
Samstag, 14. September 2019
Freitag, 13. September 2019
Montag, 2. September 2019
Montag, 26. August 2019
Dienstag, 20. August 2019
Donnerstag, 15. August 2019
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