We plant on our doorstep and in the tropics. Always only where we know people who...
…die sich um unsere Bäume kümmern: wir pflanzen Bäume in Germany und Mexico. In Spanien pflanzen wir in diesem Jahr Mandelbäume unsere Geburtstagskinder. Damit weniger Bäume als Feuerholz enden finanzieren wir den Bau von cooking stoves in Nepal. Alle Projekte werden regelmäßig von uns besucht.
Am liebsten investieren wir dort, wo die Sonne (fast) immer scheint...
…in Myanmar ersetzen unsere Solar water systems den alten Dieselgenerator. Das spart Geld, ist gut für die Umwelt und versorgt die Menschen in der „dry zone“ mit sauberem Trinkwasser. Jede Anlage spart elf Tonnen CO2 im Jahr. Der Bau einer Anlage kostet 5.000 Euro. Siebzig Anlagen sind schon in Betrieb.
Wir verdoppeln jede Spende für die Tafeln...
Bei den food banks denken die meisten an arme Menschen, die übrig gebliebene Lebensmittel bekommen und diese wunderbare Initiative hat noch eine andere Seite, die ist gut fürs Klima: in jeden geretteten Kilogramm Lebensmittel stecken 2,5 kg CO2. Ein guter Grund mehr die Tafeln zu unterstützen.
We plant on our doorstep and in the tropics. Always only where we know people who...
…die sich um unsere Bäume kümmern: wir pflanzen Bäume in Germany und Mexico. In Spanien pflanzen wir in diesem Jahr Mandelbäume unsere Geburtstagskinder. Damit weniger Bäume als Feuerholz enden finanzieren wir den Bau von cooking stoves in Nepal. Alle Projekte werden regelmäßig von uns besucht.
We prefer to build solar systems in the tropics because the sun almost always shines there...
...Our Solar water systems replace the old diesel generators in the villages. This saves money, is good for the environment and provides people in the ‘dry zone’ of Myanmar with clean drinking water. Each system saves eleven tonnes of CO2 per year. It costs 6600 euros to build a plant. Fifty plants are already in operation.
Saving food is good for the environment. On average, every kilo of food contains.....
....2.5 kilos of CO2. All good food that is not thrown away is a benefit for people and the environment. Together with many Lions and Rotarians, we support the food banks in Germany so that more food can be saved. Every donation we receive is doubled from the foundation's own income.
2022 to 2025 - Trees in Schleswig-Holstein
20,000 trees - 75,000 euros
Mainly deciduous trees are planted in the area and shrubs at the edges. It costs four euros per tree. 4,000 to 5,000 trees are planted on one hectare. The areas were fenced off to protect against browsing. Landowners and foresters take care of planting and maintenance. The costs for the first year are shared equally. From 2022 to mid-2025, a total of 20,000 trees were planted in four areas. Total costs 150,000 euros. The project is funded in equal parts by Blume2000 and Stiftunglife and supported by the Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Agriculture. The areas are publicly accessible, here are the geodata: 54.03283°N, 9.73199°E.
More information is available from pit@stiftunglife.de
2022 🌸 Orchard meadow in Baden-Würtemberg
300 fruit trees - 8,000 euros
A great project that combines many good ideas: an old orchard was reactivated, a flowering meadow was created and beehives were set up. The honey was harvested and the mirabelle plums were processed into schnapps. ‘Under the motto ‘food for food’, the total proceeds from this campaign went to the local food bank. Our friend Alexander Baier lives locally. During his time as Lions President, he initiated this great project. He regularly checks on his orchard. The areas are open to the public. Here is the geodata: GEODATEN EINFÜGEN
2022 🌳 Alder and mixed forest in Bavaria
5,000 trees - 10,000 euros
2022 🌳 Trees in Munich
1,000 deciduous trees - 10,000 euros
2022 🌳 Trees in Bavaria
1,000 deciduous trees - 10,000 euros
2021 🌳 Underplanting in Celle
2,000 deciduous trees - 10,000 euros
2020/21 🌳 Trees in Hessen
10,000 deciduous trees - 20,000 euros
2020 🌳 Oak trees in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
6,000 deciduous trees - 50,000 euros
2010 🌳 Old fruit varieties in Celle
1,000 deciduous trees - 19,000 euros
1995 🌳 Trees in Schleswig-Holstein
10,000 deciduous trees - 10,000 D-Mark
A group of volunteers planted deciduous trees over a weekend. The Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald organised the campaign back then. The areas are publicly accessible, but unfortunately we have no documentation or geodata from this project.
1990 🌳 Cycle path in Celle
100 deciduous trees - 5,000 D-Mark
A project with the stove makers
In many developing countries, people still cook with open fires. We finance the construction of a thousand clay stoves in Nepal every year. They cost little money, are good for health and good for the environment. Each stove saves a tonne of CO2 every year because wood consumption is reduced by half. Women and children save time and effort because they have to collect less wood. www.ofenmacher.org
More Informations are available from pit@stiftunglife.de
Geburtstagsbäume in Spanien
Seit ein paar Jahren pflanzen wir für die Freunde der Stiftung einen Baum zum Geburtstag. Im letzten Jahr waren es Walnussbäume in der Ukraine, in diesem Jahr pflanzen wir Mandelbäume in Spanien. Gepflanzt wird im Hinterland von Alicante, dort, wo wir schon 3.000 Mandelbäume haben. Johanna kümmert sich und schaut, dass die Bäumchen gut wachsen. Wer seinen Geburtstagsbaum besuchen möchte, kann das gerne tun. Bitte den Besuch mit einer kleinen Mail an pit@stiftunglife.de anmelden.
2024 🔥 Cooking stoves in Nepal
1,000 clay ovens - 12,000 euros
The 1,000 clay ovens from this year will save 1,000 tonnes of CO2. If you add the stoves from the past four years, we have saved 6,000 tonnes of CO2 this year. We do not use any certificates for our CO2 reductions.
2023 🔥 Cooking stoves in Nepal
1,000 clay ovens - 12,000 euros
The 1000 clay ovens from this year will save 1,000 tonnes of CO2. If you add the stoves from the last three years, we have saved 5,000 tonnes of CO2 this year. We do not use any certificates for our CO2 reductions.
2022 🔥 Cooking stoves in Nepal
2,000 clay ovens - 24,000 euros
The 2,000 clay ovens built this year will save 2,000 tonnes of CO2. The clay ovens built this year were inspected on site by Prof Mutschler. If you add the stoves from the last two years, we have a saving of 4,000 tonnes of CO2 this year.
2021 🔥 Cooking stoves in Nepal
1,000 clay ovens - 12,000 euros
As we have no experience of building clay stoves ourselves, we co-operate with the stove makers. They have been involved in Nepal for many years. This year's 1,000 clay stoves will save 1,000 tonnes of CO2. If you add the stoves from last year, we have saved 2,000 tonnes of CO2 this year.
2020 🔥 Cooking stoves in Nepal
1,000 clay ovens - 12,000 euros
The construction of cooking stoves is important. Because we have no experience of our own in building clay stoves, we are cooperating with Ofenmacher e.V. They have been involved in Nepal for 15 years. Our 1000 clay stoves will save 1,000 tonnes of CO2 this year. The construction of each stove is documented.
2024 🌳 80.000 Bäume – 55.000 Euro
Conditions in Myanmar are becoming increasingly difficult. In Ngapali, we planted 20,000 mangroves in the spring, then the war came to the region. The trees are doing well, but the people are not. We have cancelled further planting in Myanmar until the situation is safe again. In Mexico, the tree nursery is being expanded this year to include an area in the same region, halfway between the lowlands and the highlands. We have increased our contribution to 30,000 euros and made a commitment for the next four years. Nico gave us another detailed report.
More information is available from pit@stiftunglife.de
2023 🌳 120,000 trees - 80,000 euros
2022 🌳 130,000 trees - 100,000 euros
2021 🌳 120,000 trees - 90,000 euros
2020 🌳 60,000 trees - 60,000 euros
10,000 fruit trees in Myanmar + 50,000 deciduous trees in Mexico
A project of Stiftunglife
It is hot and dry in and around Bagan. The thermometer can reach up to 50 °C in June. Drinking water is becoming scarce in the villages around Bagan. Groundwater has to be pumped up from deep wells. A diesel generator supplies the electricity for the pump. But diesel is scarce and expensive. Stiftunglife is financing the conversion from diesel to solar. A solar water system costs 6,000 euros, with the village community contributing 15 per cent. One system saves up to 3,000 litres of diesel and 11 tonnes of CO2 per year. That's good for people and good for the environment. We have already built 55 systems.
Further information is available from timo@stiftunglife.de
Timo in July 2024
A completely different perspective...
...to the food banks. Of course we know that the food banks are a good cause, which is why we have been supporting them for 30 years. In the beginning, the focus was on helping poor people. With increasing environmental awareness, we realised that the food banks help to avoid waste (even today, a lot of good food still ends up in the bin). Climate change opens up a completely different perspective: now we also look at the CO2 footprint of food. One more good reason to support the food banks, often in co-operation with local Lions and Rotary clubs.
Further information is available from wolfgang@stiftunglife.de
Wolfgang in July 2024